To conceptualize, design, develop and Implement CAPS and transition the technology platform to a dependable and supportable environment...
PROJECT TITLE | Central Accounts Payable System (CAPS) for New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYS OCFS )
PROJECT ROLE | Program Management & Business process improvement
CLIENT | New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYSOCFS)
OBJECTIVE | To conceptualize, design, develop and Implement CAPS and transition the technology platform to a dependable and supportable environment.
SCOPE | To leverage the functionality and features that the legacy system offered. Identify the areas of improvement in business process, automation, technology framework and best practices and implement them within NYSOCFS.


OCFS sought a qualified consultant team to develop from concept to implementation the Central Accounts Payable System (CAPS) as a web-based tool that allows the Bureau of Financial Operations (BFO) to maintain all fiscal records for the agency, audit and process all fiscal transactions of the agency, including the processing of vouchers, journal transfers, appropriation refunds and all revenue deposits to the Office of the State Comptroller. The idea of was to come up with a solution with least cost option to provide a stable, comfortable, reliable environment that increased user satisfaction in multi-fold and to increase the trust and confidence in the system that it will meet their requirements and enable them to serve their constituency.


ANGARAI provided an end-to-end SDLC approach as well as enterprise technology solution through conception, design, development and Implementation of CAPS (Central Accounts Payable System) for OCFS. The project encompassed cost benefit analysis, ROI analysis, Business Analysis, Application Design, Application Development, Testing, QA, Training, Implementation and Post-Implementation support. The services also included transition to OFT Data Centre (Office for Technology), institutionalization of the support and maintenance, commissioning of supportable hardware, operating system and software platform and automation of all major activities. As part of the holistic solution strategy ANGARAI worked closely with inter/intra agencies encompassing OCFS (Office of Children and Family Services), OTDA (Office of Temporary Disability Assistance), OFT (Office for Technology) and other State/Federal/Local agencies as appropriate.